Why Join Adya Yoga Paramhansa?
Are you looking to deepen your practice and connect with like-minded individuals? Join Adya Yoga Paramhansa and experience a transformative journey of inner growth and spiritual expansion. Our skilled teachers provide personalized instruction and a supportive community to help you reach your full potential. With a focus on traditional yoga practices and philosophy, you’ll gain a deeper understanding of yourself and the world around you. Join us and see the difference Adya Yoga Paramhansa can make in your life.
YOGA for everyone
Our yoga classes cater to yogis of all levels, ages, and backgrounds, reflecting the unique experience of our instructors rather than adhering to a single style.
Discover the benefits of yoga with our highly skilled and passionate instructors. Let them guide you towards achieving your goals with their accredited teaching.
The studio is conveniently located in the central area of South Jakarta and South Tangerang, allowing for easy accessibility.
Join our 5-star rated yoga studio, which comes highly recommended by our members.
We are committed to creating safe, welcoming, and inclusive spaces that reflect the diversity of our members. Join us and experience the difference our community can make in your life.
Our staff is always available to assist you with any inquiries you may have.

Yoga For Life
Yoga will challenge your mind and body.
Yoga Styles
Explore The Styles Of Yoga
Hatha yoga is a form of yoga that focuses on physical postures (asanas) and breathing techniques (pranayama) to promote physical health and mental well-being. It originated in ancient India and has become one of the most popular forms of yoga practiced worldwide. In hatha yoga classes, you can expect to do a series of poses that are designed to improve your flexibility, strength, balance, and alignment. Additionally, you will learn relaxation and stress relief techniques. The aim of hatha yoga is to create harmony between your body and mind, promoting overall health and vitality.
Purna Yoga
Purna Yoga is a constantly evolving system that integrates the vastness of yoga into a set of invaluable tools for healing, fulfilling one’s dharma (life’s purpose), and transformation. It provides wisdom and techniques for uniting the body and mind with the spirit, enabling practitioners to evolve from their lower nature to their Divine Self. Purna Yoga emphasizes awareness, precision, and concentration, allowing individuals to love themselves by living from the heart.
Yin Yoga
Yin yoga is a gentle and introspective practice that involves holding passive poses for longer periods of time. Unlike Yang yoga practices like Vinyasa yoga that focus on muscles, Yin yoga targets the deeper connective tissues of the body such as ligaments, joints, bones, fascia networks, and meridians. This practice can improve the energy flow in the body, benefiting the organs as well as the muscles. In addition to physical benefits, Yin yoga can also have positive effects on emotional and mental wellbeing.
Vinyasa is a style of yoga that involves smoothly transitioning from one posture to another while focusing on breathing.
The beauty of Vinyasa yoga is that each class is unique, and you get to experience a variety of postures every time. This variability helps to develop a more balanced body and prevents repetitive motion injuries that may occur if you practice the same postures daily. Vinyasa yoga acknowledges the temporary nature of things. We enter a posture, stay there for some time, then move on to the next one. The focus is on the journey, not the destination.
Ashtanga yoga is a dynamic and athletic form of hatha yoga. It consists of six series or levels, each with a fixed order of postures. Rooted in vinyasa, the practice emphasizes the flowing movements between postures and focuses on energy and breath. Although it is a highly physical practice, it also promotes mental clarity and inner peace.
Also known as Aerial yoga, is a unique type of practice that involves traditional yoga and pilates poses performed in a silk hammock suspended from the ceiling. This specially designed hammock provides support for the hips and waist, and the gentle swaying movements of the fabric add an element of variety to the workout. With the aid of the hammock, challenging positions, such as inversions and reverse postures, become more accessible to practitioners.
Hot Yoga
Hot yoga is a type of yoga that has been developed from traditional yoga. It is practiced in heated rooms where the temperature is usually set between 30 and 40 degrees Celsius. In addition to loosening your muscles, scientific studies suggest that hot yoga may help in reducing stress, relieving lower back pain, and even alleviating depression.
Arm Balance
Arm Balances require balancing on the hands while engaging the core and often lifting the legs off the ground. These poses focus on the arms, wrists, core, and other muscle groups, providing benefits such as improved upper body strength, better balance, and enhanced mental concentration.
In yoga, a backbend is any pose that involves lengthening the spine, which can be done in various positions such as seated, standing, lying down, or inverted. Practicing yoga backbends can help increase flexibility and strengthen the supporting muscles around the spine.
Yoga Twist
A yoga twist is a pose that involves rotating your torso. This rotation affects the position of each vertebra in relation to the vertebra above and below it, and it’s achieved through a combination of muscle movements. Practicing yoga twists can help to release blocked energies, promote a healthy spine and digestive system, and enhance the functioning of your organs.
Hip Opening
Hip openers in yoga are essential for releasing tightness in the muscles that stabilize the hips, pelvis, and spine. Regular practice of these poses is vital to build strength in the supportive muscles, enhance core stability, and promote an upright posture.
Wheel Yoga
A yoga wheel is a circular accessory that can be used during yoga practice to release tension, improve flexibility and assist with stretching. Rolling your back along the yoga wheel can help alleviate pain and massage any kinks or tight muscles, leading to relaxation and recovery of your back. This motion can also strengthen your spine and core.
Regular yoga stretching offers numerous physical benefits, with the most noticeable one being increased flexibility. This is because it helps to enhance the range of motion in your muscles and ligaments, while also reducing the likelihood of injuries. Additionally, consistent yoga stretching can stimulate the production of tissue lubricants that keep your muscles supple and strong.
Sun Salutation
Surya Namaskar A, popularly known as Sun Salutations, is an invigorating sequence of yoga postures that you must try! This series of prescribed motions starts and ends with Tadasana, also known as Mountain Pose. The postures involve various stretches, forward folds, and backbends that generate heat and are performed in a rhythmic manner, synchronized with your breathing. This is a must-try yoga sequence that will leave you feeling energized and refreshed!
Advanced yoga comprises a set of challenging postures that demand significant flexibility, strength, and mental focus. The objective is not just to master a difficult pose, but also to learn from the process of attempting it. Even if you are unable to perform the pose eventually, consistent practice can provide valuable insights into the physical approach to the pose, as well as interesting observations on your thoughts and emotions as you attempt something that is difficult.
Yoga inversion is a type of yoga pose that involves placing your head below your heart and hips, effectively inverting your body from its usual upright position. Practicing yoga inversion is believed to offer a range of benefits, such as relieving tension, boosting circulation and energy levels, and strengthening muscles. Additionally, it is thought to promote emotional growth, bring calmness to the mind and spirit, guide energy towards the heart, and enhance your connection with the earth.
Power Yoga
Power yoga is a rigorous form of yoga that emphasizes strength and endurance. It is also an excellent way to burn calories. This type of yoga is fast-paced and intense, with rapid transitions between postures. By synchronizing your breath with your movements, you can enhance your overall physical and mental wellness.
Yoga Balance
Practicing balancing poses highlights the ever-changing nature of balance. While performing a balancing pose, if you keep on adjusting and readjusting continuously, you will lose balance almost immediately. Rather, being aware of your body’s movements in each moment helps you maintain balance.
Adho Mukha Vrksasana, also known as Handstand or Downward-Facing Tree Pose, is a yoga posture that can provide you with a valuable lesson on how to navigate life’s challenges. This inversion pose can help broaden your horizons and open up exciting new possibilities for you. Handstand is an excellent practice for building strength in your shoulders, back, and abdomen. Additionally, it can improve your mood and increase your confidence levels.
Barre classes are a type of low-impact exercise that combines stretching and upper arm circles with faster-paced physical activity like jumping squats. These sessions are considered more effective at improving core strength than traditional sit-ups alone. Barres also provide coordination training by requiring participants to keep both eyes open while moving their heads from side to face forward and then back again before switching sides and repeating the movement.
Popular Classes

Yin yoga is a slow-paced & gentle style of yoga that works with very basic postures to increase mobility, stretch, as well as deeply meditative internal space

Purna Yoga
Purna means complete, is an evolving yoga using a wide variety of inspiring techniques to address physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual needs.

Hot Yoga
Hot yoga is the term used to refer to a variety of yoga classes done in a heated room.

Hatha Yoga
A yoga asana that improves flexibility and range of motion while controlling the breathing

Handstand is an advanced yoga inversion wherein the practitioner balances on the hands. This pose improves balance, core strength refreshes the mind, and energizes the body.

Anti Gravity
Anti Gravity also known as Aerial yoga, is a type of yoga in which the traditional yoga and pilates poses are practiced in a hammock hanging from the ceiling

Advanced Classes are designed for yogis who want to challenge themselves with strong practices involving balance, inversions, and strength

yoga asanas, or poses, that place your head below your heart and hips, therefore “inverting” your body from its normal upright position
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